Wednesday, May 27, 2009

its called RESPECT

I know what you guys are thinking "oh god she about to go in" but I'm not I am going to keep it short and safe so i can get out of here. I know that you are aware of the Chris brown and the Rhianna situation and how they have been abusive to one another. I have been watching it on the news and reading about it in news papers is really annoying. I say good for the B***h I say maybe it she wasn't so cocky thinking. She was Laila Ali she would have never got fucked up.NAH NAH I'm just playing but I don't feel bad for her. Because no matter who is wrong or who may think they are right there is NEVER the right time to put your hands on a love one MALE or FEMALE. When people are upset, mad, and or fustrated people let our emotions get the best of them and somethings you end up regretting everything that was ever said or happened.
Source say that the fight started over a texted message first of all women know that the number ONE rule is to NEVER go into your boyfriends phone or camera. You going into one of those things is like you asking for a punch in your face or your heart to be broken. Your bound to see something or someone that you don't want to see. So source say that Rhianna saw a text from another women "He got a booty call. He got a text. Rhianna saw it and she got upset. They started to argue. She got out of the car. He wanted her to get back in, so he grabbed her," the industry source said. "She pulled away. That's when she's told people he hit her." this to me is saying that she asked for it first of all personal business is not for the street. Rihanna could of handle that when she they was behind closed doors or over the phone. If someone is telling you to get in the car uhhh maybe you should listen its for your own good. I know next time someone tell her a** to get in the car she will listen. There are NEVER signs of a love one getting abuse some people many keep it a secret because they are afraid or because they are truly truly in love and sometimes love make you do a lot of STUPID things.

1 comment:

  1. Shameeka,

    Is Brown at fault at all? You seem to mostly give him a pass.

    Also, be sure to separate this into paragraphs...finally, put a "*" instead of the "u" where you cursed.
